Internship Dynamic and Communication at CBI
Vacature kenmerken
Standplaats | Den Haag |
Uren per week | 36 - 40 |
Vergoeding | €749,00 |
Niveau | HBO Bachelor; Master/doctoraal |
Vakgebied | Internationaal; Reclame / communicatie / marketing / PR / voorlichting; Sociaal / maatschappelijk / welzijn |
Vacaturenummer | 56903 |
Dienstverband | Meeloopstage |
Periode | 01-02-2025 - 01-07-2025 |
Would you like to work on sustainable sectors? And do you have an affinity with communication, sustainability and development cooperation? Then the department CBI has an internship for you! We are looking for a Dynamic and Communications intern at CBI.
Dynamic means that during this internship you will be working on different assignments at the same time. You will work closely with program managers, project staff and communication advisors. As an intern Dynamic and Communication at CBI you can think of the following activities:
- participate in large international projects, where you have responsibility for subtasks, for example, participating in meetings and co-writing research documents;
- support with Business Export Coaching processes or sector wide pilots and interventions (e.g. maintaining contact with external experts and partner organisations, logistical support in planning, organising and supervising trade fairs, training courses and other events);
- support with processes aimed at improving the export climate in target group countries (e.g. maintaining contact with external experts and Business Support Organisations, such as trade associations and Chambers of Commerce);
- contribute to the formulation and implementation of the communication strategy to inform, motivate and/or involve the various target groups of CBI;
- collect and prepare documents for meetings and correspondence;
- participate in events in the Netherlands, such as international trade fairs and workshops;
- work on administrative and organisational tasks;
- In addition, you may be involved in creating content and managing social media:
- drafting social media messages for different target groups and posting them on different channels: LinkedIn and Facebook;
- maintaining a content calendar, and coordinating information and ideas with content specialists, program managers and other parties.
Why CBI?
- CBI has held a unique position in the world for 50 years; the organization is a leader in sharing knowledge and expertise with entrepreneurs in developing countries, such as Africa. If you are interested in themes like sustainability, social responsibility, gender equality, or youth employment, you can help CBI realize transitions around these themes!
- Plenty of room for personal development;
- As an intern, you naturally want all the space to develop yourself and learn which professional field attracts your attention. You will be given that space at our organization:
- You will be assigned an internship supervisor who can support you in formulating your objectives, questions and developing your competencies;
- Assignments are assigned based on your areas of interest and based on the needs of the organization. And have you become more interested in a particular activity during the internship period? We offer you the freedom to supplement your task package where possible!
- Working at CBI means working in an international context, where a balance between development cooperation and international business is central. We believe that a good working atmosphere is crucial. Fun plays an important role in this. We organize activities, such as a pub quiz, outside of working hours. This way you get to know that one colleague in other areas as well.
Does this appeal to you? Then apply for this internship vacancy!
- You are registered with a Dutch educational institution for the entire internship period.
- You are following a higher professional or academic education in the direction of, for example, internationally oriented studies, economic studies, history, communication, political science, etc.
- You have an affinity with international trade and/or development aid;
- You have knowledge of and/or affinity with digital media is a plus;
- You have a good knowledge of English in speech and writing;
- Knowledge of French and/or Spanish is a plus;
- We expect you to have a working knowledge of Dutch (speaking and reading) as our general meetings are in Dutch, you do not have to be able to write Dutch.
- You are eligible to work in The Netherlands
- You also have the following competencies:
- Planning and organizing: you set priorities, for yourself or for others.
- Flexibility: you choose an approach that fits the situation.
- Collaboration: you help others where necessary.
Vergoeding | €749,00 |
Dienstverband | Meeloopstage |
Minimaal aantal uren per week | 36 |
Maximaal aantal uren per week | 40 |
Overige arbeidsvoorwaarden
Als jouw stage bij het Rijk langer duurt dan één maand. Dan heb je recht op een stagevergoeding. De stagevergoeding is gebaseerd op een vijfdaagse werkweek, waarbij wordt uitgegaan van 40 uur stage (5 dagen van 8 uur) per week. Bij een stage van minder dan 40 uur per week, wordt dit berekend naar evenredigheid van het aantal afgesproken uren.
Kun je als stagiair geen gebruikmaken van een OV-studentenkaart voor het reizen tussen je woning en de stageplek? Dan kun je een reiskostenvergoeding krijgen. Hiervoor gelden de woon-werkverkeer regels voor rijksambtenaren. Maak je als stagiair een dienstreis? Dan gelden de regels voor binnenlandse dienstreizen en buitenlandse dienstreizen voor rijksambtenaren. Reis je met de trein voor een dienstreis? Dan reis je in tweede klasse.
Alleen bij stages van een maand of langer vindt toekenning van vakantie plaats. Je hebt tijdens je stage aanspraak op 160 vakantie-uren op jaarbasis bij een stage van 40 uur per week. Is de stage voor minder dan 40 uur per week overeengekomen? Dan wordt de aanspraak op vakantie-uren naar evenredigheid vastgesteld.
RVO supports ‘hybrid working’. Our starting point is that you can do your work from any location (from home, at the office or elsewhere). However, your presence at the RVO office in The Hague may be required in situations to be described. For this position, the expectation is an average of 2 days per week.
The start and end date of your internship can be agreed upon in consultation.
All information about your internship with the Central Government can be found at: In addition to a good compensation, you will also receive vacation hours and good guidance.
CBI aims to contribute to sustainability transitions in sectors in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We do this by stimulating the export of products and services, particularly to Europe, together with local and international private and public partners. We focus on the export of niche products and services that offer economic opportunities for local SMEs as well as opportunities for more decent work in the sector and better treatment of the environment. For example, consider the export of organic variants of agricultural products, semi-finished products instead of raw materials and sustainable variants of textiles. In this way, we use export as a means to contribute to sustainability transitions.
We contribute in particular to SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production). In each project, we focus on one or more sustainability issues. We pay particular attention to issues concerning women and young people. In order to contribute to the sustainability of sectors, we use systems thinking.
Although we are not very well known in the Netherlands, we have a strong name in many dozens of developing countries around the world because we uniquely link market forces with addressing sustainability issues. We implement our 2021-2025 strategy with a focus on sustainability, systems thinking, collaboration and co-creative and iterative work.
We have a portfolio of between 40 and 50 multi-year projects in more than 25 countries. We work on these with approximately 60 people, divided over three teams.
CBI is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is a department of RVO.
Please take a look at our website There you will find more information about us, our projects, our market information and the strategy 2021-2025.
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)
Vandaag werken aan de wereld van morgen
De wereld verandert elke dag en wij veranderen mee. Met meer dan 6000 RVO’ers werken we iedere dag aan morgen. We ondersteunen, adviseren en stimuleren ondernemend Nederland. We helpen met innoveren en verduurzamen. Nationaal en internationaal, want ons werk stopt niet bij de grens. Samen werken we aan:
- De verduurzaming van onze energievoorzieningen.
- Het tegengaan van klimaatverandering.
- Een omslag naar een duurzaam landbouw- en voedselsysteem.
- Een sterke digitale economie.
Het zijn grote uitdagingen, maar wij geloven dat het mogelijk is. Daarom verbinden we ondernemers, overheden en organisaties om te bouwen aan het Nederland van morgen.
We doen het samen.
Wat doen we?
Wij maken overheidsbeleid bereikbaar en uitvoerbaar. Van voorlichting, advies en financiering tot het bieden van een luisterend oor voor ondernemers en organisaties. En dat is nog maar een klein onderdeel van wat we doen. Ondernemend Nederland is ontzettend veelzijdig en daarom zijn wij dat ook.
Divers maakt beter
Met enorme uitdagingen op komst, is het juiste talent aan boord hebben belangrijk. Het maakt bij ons niet uit wie je bent. Wij kijken naar wat je kunt en waar jouw ambities liggen. Om de wereld duurzamer te maken hebben we ideeën nodig uit alle hoeken van de samenleving. Daarom hebben we voor iedereen plaats bij RVO, zolang je maar nieuwsgierig en ondernemend bent. We geven je vertrouwen, vrijheid en verantwoordelijkheid. Want zo boek jij de mooiste resultaten. Voor jezelf, voor ondernemers en voor morgen.
Voor meer informatie over deze vacature:
Margot Lobbezoo